AT SKYWAY HILLS, our approach to children’s ministry is holistic. For this reason, we want the child's entire family to be involved. We believe that our ministry is not only responsible for uplifting, encouraging and supporting children as they grow in relationship with God, but is also responsible for equipping parents and members (non-biological families) to do the same. The Skyway Hills church family should strive to be incarnational, living like Jesus, so that our children may truly see Him and come to know His love. Our children’s ministry is committed to leading and equipping the family unit as we introduce even the youngest to Jesus.
Teaching the Bible through repetition and creativity
We divide our children into three basic groups: nursery, pre-school
& elementary. Our goal is to involve each group in meaningful, age-appropriate experiences that help them to understand the Bible. It is our desire that all of our children come to know and
understand basic biblical truths that will lead to transformed lives.
Nursery school is open for babies
from birth through 24 months during classes and services. This is more than babysitting. Our desire is to speak words of encouragement to parents and joy to babies. We want even the youngest to sense
the presence of Jesus in each of us and come to know His love through us.
Pre-School Ministry
Our Preschool program is geared for 2
year olds through young 5 year olds. We provide three separate opportunities for this age group each week (Sunday morning classes, Children’s Worship, and Wednesday night classes). Through these
times we hope to instill three basic truths:
1. God loves me.
2. God made me.
3. Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
At Skyway Hills, Elementary is
defined as Kindergarten through 5th grade. These children are invited to participate in three weekly programs: Sunday school, children's church and Wednesday evening Bible Class. Our goal is
that by the time children graduate into the youth group they will have come to three basic understandings:
• I need to make the wise choice.
• I can trust God no matter what.
• I should treat others the way I want to be treated.